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Alleviating Poverty through Business Strategy
CHF 89.90

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PART I: THE CONTEXT Introduction: The Context of Alleviating Business Strategy, C. Wankel The End of Foreign Aid as We Know It: The...

Alliances and Co-Evolution: Insights from the Banking Sector
CHF 119.00

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Preface List of Tables List of Figures References List of Abbreviations PART 1: INTRODUCTION, STRUCTURE AND SUBJECT Introduction...

Alliance Security Dilemmas in the Iraq War: German and Japanese Responses
CHF 84.50

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Background Regional Security Environments (Europe vs. East Asia) Alliance Institutions (NATO vs. the US -Japan Security Treaty) Military...

Alliances for Sustainable Development: Business and NGO Partnerships
CHF 132.50

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General introduction PART I: THE FOUNDATIONS OF CORPORATE-NGO ALLIANCES Corporate-NGO Alliances: Essentially a Strategic Choice Alliance...

Alternative Masculinities for a Changing World
CHF 101.00

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Introduction, Àngels Carabí and Josep M. Armengol PART I: ALTERNATIVE MASCULINITIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVE 1. Reconstructing...

Alternative Paradigms of Literary Realism
CHF 89.90

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Truth as a Matter of Style: Alternative Paradigms of Literary Realism One is Never Quite Totally in the World: Jane Bowles' Allegorical...

Amácio Mazzaropi in the Film and Culture of Brazil: After Cinema Novo
CHF 101.00

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Between a Cow and a Truck: Transformation in Mazzaropi's First Films The Divided Self: Defining Brazil in Race, Language, and Origin...

Ambiguity and Sexuality: A Theory of Sexual Identity
CHF 101.00

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Introduction: The Question of Sexual Identity Starting with Experience The Experience of Desire Desire by Itself Desire in Relation...

Ambivalence and the Structure of Political Opinion
CHF 94.90

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Pros and Cons: Ambivalence and Public Opinion, M.D.Martinez , S.C.Craig & J.G.Kane Ambivalence as Experienced Conflict, B.Albertson,...

America According to Colbert: Satire as Public Pedagogy
CHF 74.90

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I Stand By This Man: Colbert Speaks Truthiness to Power The Public at Risk: Dissent and Democracy after 9/11 Proud to Be an American...