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Bibliography.- Problems.- 17.7 References.- 17.6 suspension.- semi-active Quarter-car 17.5.1 disturbance.- Narrow-band 17.5 devices.- Semi-active 17.4.1 suspension.- Semi-active 17.4 devices.- MR 17.3 fluids.- Magneto-rheological 17.2 Introduction.- 17.1 control.- Semi-active 17 References.- 16.7 Discussion.- 16.6.3 uncertainty.- Additive 16.6.2 uncertainty.- Multiplicative 16.6.1 interaction.- Control-structure 16.6 mirror.- segmented a of Dynamics 16.5 controller.- SVD the of shaping Loop 16.4.1 controller.- SVD 16.4 mirror.- primary Segmented 16.3.2 mirror.- primary Monolithic 16.3.1 optics.- Active 16.3 optics.- Adaptive 16.2 Introduction.- 16.1 Telescopes.- Large of Control Active 16 References.- 15.13 experiment.- scale 15.12Large resonance.- parametric of 15.11Control experiment.- 15.10Laboratory bridges.- cable-stayed to Application 15.9 experiment.- truss floating Free 15.8 testbed.- Interferometer Precision Micro 15.7 experiment.- truss Guyed 15.6 damping.- active decentralized of theory Linear 15.5 Experiment.- Basic 15.4 strategy.- damping Active 15.3 cables.- and strings of control Tendon 15.2 Introduction.- 15.1 Structures.- Cable of Control Tendon 5 Problems.- 14.9 References.- 14.8 sensor.- Distributed 14.7.4 aliasing.- Spatial 14.7.3 sensor.- array Discrete 14.7.2 sensor.- QWSIS 14.7.1 sensors.- displacement Volume Vibroacoustics: 14.7 Results.- 14.6.3 design.- Compensator 14.6.2 control.- position Wide-band 14.6.1 strategy.- HAC/LAC The 14.6 design.- System 14.5.1 beam.- stiff a of damping Active 14.5 design.- Control 14.4.1 plate.- a of damping Active 14.4 control.- position and Pointing 14.3.3 Experiment.- 14.3.2 damping.- Active 14.3.1 interface.- generic damping Active 14.3 results.- experimental Implementation, 14.2.2 placement.- Actuator 14.2.1 structure.- truss a of damping Active 14.2 controller.- continuous a of Discretization 14.1.4 Quantization.- 14.1.3 delay.- computational hold, Zero-order 14.1.2 prefiltering.- and aliasing Sampling, 14.1.1 implementation.- Digital 14.1 Applications.- 14 Problems.- 13.9 References.- 13.8 controls.- absorbing Energy 13.7 design.- controller to application An 13.6 ..- method indirect Lyapunov's 13.5 systems.- linear for functions Lyapunov 13.4 theorem.- Instability 13.3.6 interpretation.- Geometric 13.3.5 theorem.- Lasalle's 13.3.4 theorem.- stability Asymptotic 13.3.3 theorem.- Stability 13.3.2 example.- Introductory 13.3.1 method.- direct Lyapunov's 13.3 criterion.- Routh-Hurwitz 13.2.1 systems.- Linear 13.2 portrait.- Phase 13.1.1 Introduction.- 13.1 Stability.- 13 12.13Problems.- 12.12References.- 12.11.3Example.- realization.- balanced 12.11.2Internally realization.- equivalent 12.11.1Transfer reduction.- 12.11Model coordinates.- balanced 12.10Internally Gramians.- observability and Controllability 12.9 Sensitivity.- 12.8 Example.- 12.7 Residues.- 12.6 test.- PBH 12.5 form.- Diagonal 12.4.3 eigenvectors.- right and Left 12.4.2 form.- canonical Control 12.4.1 transformation.- State 12.4 oscillator.- d.o.f. Two 12.3.3 pendulum.- inverted Double 12.3.2 pendulums.- inverted two with Cart 12.3.1 Examples.- 12.3 matrices.- observability and Controllability 12.2 Definitions.- 12.1.1 Introduction.- 12.1 Observability.- and Controllability 12 11.18Problems.- 11.17References.- ..- model 11.16.2Noise functionals.- cost 11.16.1Frequency-shaped shaping.- 11.16Frequency feedback.- state with control 11.15Integral (LTR).- Recovery Transfer 11.14Loop reduction.- 11.13.1Spillover 11.13Spillover.- 11.12Duality.- (LQG).- Gaussian Quadratic 11.11Linear (KBF).- Filter 11.10Kalman-Bucy error.- reconstruction the of Covariance 11.9.1 observer.- state Full 11.9 LQR.- the of margins phase and Gain 11.8 stability.- of degree Prescribed 11.7 closed-loop.- the of behavior Asymptotic 11.6 LQR.- Stochastic 11.5 Remark.- 11.4.1 noise.- white a to response Stochastic 11.4 LQR.- Deterministic 11.3 integral.- Quadratic 11.2 Introduction.- 11.1 control.- Optimal 11 10.11Problems.- 10.10References.- dynamics.- Residual 10.9.4 tests.- robustness Stability 10.9.3 theorem.- gain Small 10.9.2 specification.- Performance 10.9.1 systems.- Multivariable 10.9 compensator.- PID 10.8.5 compensator.- Lag 10.8.4 compensator.- PI 10.8.3 compensator.- Lead 10.8.2 type.- System 10.8.1 compensators.- Usual 10.8 systems.- phase Non-minimum 10.7 Cutoff.- Ideal Bode The 10.6 relationships.- gain-phase Bode 10.5 stability.- robust and performance Robust 10.4.5 uncertainty.- Unstructured 10.4.4 specification.- Performance 10.4.3 error.- Tracking 10.4.2 Sensitivity.- 10.4.1 systems.- SISO for specification Feedback 10.4 chart.- Nichols 10.3 criterion.- stability Nyquist 10.2.2 principle.- Cauchy's 10.2.1 criterion.- Nyquist 10.2 margins.- phase and Gain 10.1 domain.- frequency the in synthesis and Analysis 10 Problems.- 9.12 References.- 9.11 problem.- two-mass The 9.10.1 compensator.- the of function Transfer 9.10 principle.- Separation 9.9 pendulum.- Inverted 9.8.2 Oscillator.- 9.8.1 observer.- order Reduced 9.8 pendulum.- Inverted 9.7.1 Filter.- Kalman 9.7 design.- Observer 9.6 pendulum.- Inverted 9.5.2 locus.- root Symmetric 9.5.1 Regulator.- Quadratic Linear 9.5 oscillator.- Example: 9.4.1 feedback.- state by placement Pole 9.4 zeros.- and Poles 9.3.1 function.- transfer System 9.3 pendulum.- Inverted 9.2.3 structure.- Flexible 9.2.2 oscillator.- freedom of degree Single 9.2.1 description.- space State 9.2 Introduction.- 9.1 approach.- space State 9 Problems.- 8.10 References.- 8.9 suspension.- Car 8.8 passive.- vs. Active 8.7 spread.- modal joints, Spherical 8.6.3 Feedback.- Force Integral 8.6.2 isolator.- Relaxation 8.6.1 isolator.- Six-axis 8.6 platform.- Gough-Stewart 8.5.2 control.- isolator/attitude Interaction 8.5.1 spacecraft.- in isolation Payload 8.5 isolator.- with beam Free-free 8.4.1 body.- Flexible 8.4 Feedback.- Force Integral 8.3.2 damper.- Sky-hook 8.3.1 isolation.- Active 8.3 realization.- Electromagnetic 8.2.1 isolator.- Relaxation 8.2 Introduction.- 8.1 isolation.- Vibration 8 Problems.- 7.10 References.- 7.9 sensor.- force and actuator Displacement 7.8.3 sensor.- displacement and actuator Force 7.8.2 talk.- Cross 7.8.1 pairs.- collocated with control Decentralized 7.8 dynamics.- sensor and Actuator 7.7 zeros.- and poles Open-loop 7.6.2 mode.- single a of Root-locus 7.6.1 controllers.- IFF the and Lead the between Duality 7.6 Feedback(IFF).- Force Integral 7.5 (PPF).- Feedback Position Positive 7.4 (DVF).- feedback velocity Direct 7.3 control.- Lead 7.2 Introduction.- 7.1 system.- collocated with damping Active 7 ..- Problems 6.10 References.- 6.9 damping.- of role The 6.8 systems.- control Non-collocated 6.7 system.- control collocated Nearly 6.6 plots.- Bode the on flipping pole-zero of Effect 6.5 filter.- Notch 6.4 control.- Non-collocated 6.3.2 control.- Collocated 6.3.1 problem.- two-mass The 6.3 flipping.- Pole-zero 6.2 Introduction.- 6.1 control.- non-collocated versus Collocated 6 Problems.- 5.6 References.- 5.5 ratio.- damping Equivalent 5.4.1 shunt.- Switched 5.4 shunting.- Inductive 5.3 shunting.- Resistive 5.2 Introduction.- 5.1 transducers.- piezoelectric with damping Passive 5 Problems.- 4.12 References.- 4.11 formulation.- element Finite 4.10 function.- Admittance 4.9.2 function.- transfer Open-loop 4.9.1 truss.- Active 4.9 remarks.- Additional 4.8.8 model.- plate vs. model Beam 4.8.7 output.- Sensor 4.8.6 loads.- piezoelectric Equivalent 4.8.5 layer.- piezoelectric a with laminate Multi-layer 4.8.4 laminate.- elastic multi-layer a of matrix Stiffness 4.8.3 theory.- Kirchhoff 4.8.2 equations.- constitutive dimensional Two 4.8.1 laminate.- Piezoelectric 4.8 patch.- piezoelectric a with beam a of Admittance 4.7 truncation.- Modal 4.6.3 pattern.- Pole-zero 4.6.2 function.- response Frequency 4.6.1 actuator-sensor.- collocated with beam Active 4.6 sensor.- Modal 4.5.2 actuator.- Modal 4.5.1 modalfilters.- Spatial 4.5 dynamics.- amplifier Charge 4.4.3 output.- sensor Distributed 4.4.2 amplifiers.- charge and Current 4.4.1 sensor.- Laminar 4.4 loads.- Piezoelectric 4.3.2 principle.- Hamilton's 4.3.1 actuator.- beam Piezoelectric 4.3 principle.- Hamilton's 4.2 function.- density Coenergy 4.1.2 relations.- Constitutive 4.1.1 material.- Piezoelectric 4.1 truss.- and plate beam, Piezoelectric 4 Problems.- 3.8 References.- 3.7 transducer.- piezoelectric the of Admittance 3.6.3 k2.- of Interpretation 3.6.2 transducer.- discrete a of relations Constitutive 3.6.1 transducer.- Piezoelectric 3.6 materials.- Smart 3.5 gyrostabilizers.- and wheels Reaction 3.4 Self-sensing.- 3.3.2 equations.- Constitutive 3.3.1 transducer.- electromechanical General 3.3 Geophone.- 3.2.2 actuator.- Proof-mass 3.2.1 transducer.- coil Voice 3.2 Introduction.- 3.1 transducers.- piezoelectric and Electromagnetic 3 Problems.- 2.10 References.- 2.9 reduction.- Craig-Bampton 2.8 reduction.- Guyan 2.7 structures.- Continuous 2.6 system.- constrained and zeros Transmission 2.5.1 system.- control Collocated 2.5 Example.- 2.4.4 modes.- body rigid with Structure 2.4.3 matrix.- flexibility Dynamic 2.4.2 modes.- body rigid without Structure 2.4.1 decomposition.- Modal 2.4 modes.- Vibration 2.3 system.- discrete a of motion of Equation 2.2 Introduction.- 2.1 dynamics.- structural in concepts Some 2 Problems.- 1.9 References.- 1.8 book.- the of Organization and Readership 1.7 budget.- control and error description, Plant 1.6 design.- the of steps various The 1.5 Feedforward.- 1.4.2 Feedback.- 1.4.1 strategies.- Control 1.4 structures.- and materials Smart 1.3 suppression.- Vibration 1.2 passive.- versus Active 1.1 Introduction.- 1 edition.- first the to Preface edition.- second the to Preface edition.- third the to Preface Sale Diese Daten werden auf dem Gerät des Besuchers gespeichert Kunden Kataloge zur Verfügung stellen, über die bestellt werden kann Rabatte Nicht nur als Shop Betreiber mach es Sinn

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EAN: 9783319722955
Marke: Springer Berlin,Springer International Publishing,Springer
weitere Infos: MPN: 66936260
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MATLAB® routines, Simulink® diagrams and bench-test data available from author-hosted website