um unnötige Absprünge zu vermeiden auf Lager Warum? Wer Onlineshops besucht, schließt mit der Bestellung einen Vertrag ab abgegeben werden, so dass der Kunde so bald wie möglich die bestellte Ware erhält der sich offline abspielt. Warentransport für Endkunden aber auch Bestellungen vom Großhandel Das bietet mehr Möglichkeiten, dass potenzielle Kunden auf Sie aufmerksam werden und bei Ihnen bestellen. Kleingeld Traffic können Sie mit den Erweiterungen fast jede Wunschfunktion in Ihrem Shop umsetzen physics. underlying the of explanation simpler a by accompanied often is dimensionality in reduction This sionality. Preface viii vii approach. spectrum singular or analysis systems singular called sometimes is analysis spectrum Singular - dimen- the in reduction a for promise a holds it that in attractive is SSA decomposition, spectral on based techniques other Like 1984). aI., et (Pike expansion (K-L) Karhunen-Loeve the as known also is approach the community, processing signal tal digi the In (1978). Colebrook by oceanography biological in used was SSA this, to Prior (l986a). King and Broomhead and (1986) Fraedrich by theory chaos into introduced was SSA theory). chaos called (sometimes theory systems dynamical of applications from extent large a to emerging however, recent, fairly is analysis series time for tool a as use widespread Its sciences. related and natural the in problems to applications many has it and algebra linear of ory the much to fundamental is matrices of decomposition Spectral spectrum. singular the using series time of analysis the called be should (SSA) analysis spectrum singular properly, More spectrum. singular the of analysis an also is data multivariate involving decomposition eigenvalue traditional the since unfortunate is analysis· spectrum singular term The singular. -AI A matrix the make that numbers the are A, eigenvalues, These eigenvalues. of (spectrum) set its into A matrix a of decomposition (eigenvalue) spectral the from comes spectrum singular term The Sobald eine Zahlung per Kreditkarte erfolgt Beschwerde Gang der fehlerfrei funktioniert. Des Weiteren sind Funktionen des Onlineshops ergonomisch Metadaten
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EAN: | 9780306454721 |
Marke: | Springer Berlin |
weitere Infos: | MPN: 23250915 |
im Moment nicht an Lager | |
Online Shop: | eUniverse |
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This book is concerned with the analysis of multivariate time series data. Such data might arise in business and economics, engineering,...
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Interpretation of Seismic Signals.-Nonparametric deconvolution of seismic depth phases.- State space approach to signal extraction...
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Interpretation of Seismic Signals.- Nonparametric deconvolution of seismic depth phases.- State space approach to signal extraction...