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Mike Azimzade1, Omid Tissue            Cardiac Human (FFPE) Paraffin-Embedded Formalin-Fixed Using Analysis Proteomic Quantitative Dreskin 33. Elizabeth and Berkelman, Thomas Kollmann, Franziska Posch, Anton Blotting            Western and Electrophoresis Two-Dimensional by Characterization their and Proteins Cell Host Mammalian Secreted of Preparation Sample Menegatti 32. Stefano and Carbonell, G. Ruben Blackburn, Kevin R. Williams, Islam Taufika Lavoie, Ashton R. Harvests            Production Culture Cell from Proteins Cell Host of Capture Targeted for Ligands Peptide of Development Heger 31. Christopher and Haitjema, Charles Lück, Carsten Century            21st the into Blot Western the Bringing Western: Simple Oh 30. Kenneth Techniques            Blot Western Contemporary for Considerations Technical Gomes 29. V. Aldrin and Dobles, Chua Marie Andrea Neris, Silva Leão Rômulo Technology            Stain-Free of Advantages Control: Normalization a as Labeling Protein In-Gel Using Blotting Western Lehr 28. Stefan and Hartwig, Sonja Weigert, Cora Model            Exercise Vitro In an Using Secretome Muscle Human the of Analysis Proteomics-Based for Methods Lehr 27. Stefan and Kotzka, Jorg Hartwig, Sonja Profiling            Proteomic Comprehensive for Appropriate Samples Quality High Generate to Protocol A Secretome: Tissue Adipose the Investigating Zischka 26. Hans and Knolle, A. Percy Fontes, Adriana Toerne, von Christine Kabiri, Yaschar Analyses            Proteomic for Culture Cell from Mitochondria of Purification and Isolation Hao 25. Jiaqing Inhibitors            and Protein Acid-Binding Fatty between Interactions Exploring for Assay Shift Thermal Hadian 24. Kamyar and Schorpp, Kenji Weber, Elisabeth Assays            AlphaScreen High-Throughput and Assays GFP-Trap Low-Throughput by Interaction Protein-Protein OTUD6B-OTUB1 Studying Habel 23. E. Jeff Method            BioID The Discovery: Interaction Protein-Protein for Labeling Proximity Biotin Ahn 22. Hoon Ji and Jung, Ji-Yul Jeong, Hyewon Youn, Geummin Jin, Suhyun Nasim, Zeeshan Susila, Hendry Arabidopsis            in Immunoprecipitation Chromatin by Interactions Protein-DNA Profiling Johnstone 21. Andrea and Keogh, Michael-C. Harvey, J. Kevin Maryanski, Danielle Small, C. Eliza Interactions            DNA-Protein Study to (ChIP) Immunoprecipitation Chromatin Nemoto 20. Naoto and Jayathilake Chathuni Detection            Biomolecular for Immunoassay Ultrasensitive An (cD-IPCR): Immuno-PCR Display-Mediated cDNA Frisch 19. Christian and Harth Stefan Development            Drug Antibody for Assays Binding Ligand in Antibodies Anti-Idiotypic Recombinant Poetz 18. Oliver and Sommersdorf, Cornelia Steinhilber, Andreas Anselm, Viktoria Plasma            EDTA in HMGB1 of Concentration Protein the Quantify Accurately to Assay Spectrometric Mass Chromatography Liquid Immunoaffinity-Based Cox 17. Candice Tricks            and Tips, Procedures, Immunoassays: Multiplex Bead-Based Vettorazzi 16. Sabine and Burret, Ute Preuss, M. Jonathan Factors            Growth and Chemokines, Cytokines, of Detection the for Immunoassay Bead-Based Fluorescent Multiplex Kaboord 15. Barbara and Sabnis, Renuka Smith, Suzanne Patel, Bhavin Jensen, Penny Targets            Protein Low-Abundant of Enrichment for Method Spectrometry Mass to Immunoprecipitation Improved Long 14. A. Tracey and Sanderson, L. Sharon Blundell, P. Michael Profiling            Proteomic in Tool Important an as Cytometry Flow Tapio 13. Soile and Atkinson, J. Michael Schneider, Michael Subedi, Prabal Analyses            Proteomic Spectrometry-Based Mass for (EVs) Vesicles Extracellular from Proteins of Isolation Gho 12. Song Yong and Rak, Janusz Choi, Dongsic Profiling            Proteomic for Vesicles Extracellular of Isolation Greening 11. W. David and Spencer, Andrew Bingham, Nicholas Mithraprabhu, Sridurga Chen, Maoshan Xu, Rong Khong, Tiffany Reale, Antonia Myeloma            Multiple in Biopsy Liquid of Optimization the for Characterization Proteomic and Isolation Vesicle Extracellular Plasma Human Greening 10. W. David and Simpson, J. Richard Poh, Hui Qi Claridge, Bethany Fatmous, Monique Fang, Haoyun Rai, Alin Exosomes            of Dissection Functional and Characterization, Purification, Isolation, for Protocol A Heger 9. Christopher and Lück, Carsten Haitjema, Charles McElroy, Will Wu, Jiaqi Focusing            Isoelectric Capillary Imaged by Therapeutics Protein Common Three of Heterogeneity Charge the Characterize to Methods Platform Perluigi 8. Marzia and Tramutola Antonella Brain            Disease Alzheimer and Syndrome Down in Profile Polyubiquitin Koike 7. Tohru and Kinoshita, Eiji Kinoshita-Kikuta, Emiko Proteins            Asp-Phosphorylated and His- of Detection Quantitative the for Staining Gel Fluorescent Phos-Tag Larsen 6. R. Martin and Kulej, Katarzyna Ibáñez-Vea, María Melo-Braga, Nunes Marcella Glycosylation            Sialylated N-Linked and Acetylation, Phosphorylation, Protein Study Simultaneously to Protocol Comprehensive Zhang 5. Ximo Spectrometry            Mass and Chromatography Liquid Using Development Biotherapeutic for Analysis N-Glycan Released Yu 4. Yanbao and Vashee, Isha Eguez, Vargas Rodrigo Lin, Yi-Han Analysis            Proteome Flexible and Effective, Economical, for Techniques Lab-on-a-Filter Colby 3. Thomas and Atanassov, Ilian Franz, Thomas Li, Xinping Analysis            Spectrometric Mass for Proteins of Preparation Sample Step-by-Step Grimm 2. Rudolf Oetzi            or Iceman 5300-Year-Old the Mummy, Ice Human Oldest the of Content Stomach the of Study multi-Omics A Questions: Ancient Solve Can Spectrometry Mass Modern How 1. Die im eCommerce generierten Umsätze belaufen sich in der Schweiz auf über 40 Milliarden CHF Auch in dem Shop selbst muss der Cache hin und wieder geleert werdens Konsum In der Regel brauchen Sie für Ihren Onlineshop noch spezielles Webhosting Wir freuen uns über neue Begriffe und Vorschläge

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EAN: 9781071611852
Marke: Springer Berlin,Humana
weitere Infos: MPN: 87352873
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