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Rippe K. consumerJill the for implications and availability, products, new marketplace: the in food Functional 21. Temple J healthNorman before profit supplements: dietary of marketing The 20. Leutholtz Brian and Schwarz, A. Neil Kreider, B. sportsRichard and exercise for nutrition Optimizing 19. Nestle Marion and Temple J. promotionNorman health and nutrition Population 18. Temple J. Norman and Woodside, V. Jayne Cuskelly, supplementsGeraldine dietary and labels, food guides, food guidelines, dietary intakes, nutrient recommendations: dietary in Trends 17. Wilson beveragesTed nonalcoholic for recommendations dietary and claims Health Temple16. J. consumption?Norman alcohol of implications health the are What 15. Temple J. Norman and Jacobs R. scienceDavid nutrition in shift paradigm a synergy: Food 14. Liu Hai JrRui Jacobs, R. David Wilson, Ted Temple, J. centuryNorman twenty-first the for vision a nutrition: Strategic Postscript. 26. Pelto H. Gretel and Young L. anthropologySera nutritional in concepts Core 25. Beitz C. Donald and Knight, J. Travis Segal, P. valueScott nutritional and production food improve to biotechnology of Use 24. Temple J. cost-effectivenessNorman of issues disease: of prevention the for governments by policy Nutrition 23. Wilson Ted and Nestle nutritionMarion American on influences political and industry Food 22. Rippe K. consumerJill the for implications and availability, products, new marketplace: the in food Functional 21. Temple J healthNorman before profit supplements: dietary of marketing The 20. Leutholtz Brian and Schwarz, A. Neil Kreider, B. sportsRichard and exercise for nutrition Optimizing 19. Nestle Marion and Temple J. promotionNorman health and nutrition Population 18. Temple J. Norman and Woodside, V. Jayne Cuskelly, supplementsGeraldine dietary and labels, food guides, food guidelines, dietary intakes, nutrient recommendations: dietary in Trends 17. Wilson beveragesTed nonalcoholic for recommendations dietary and claims Health Temple16. J. consumption?Norman alcohol of implications health the are What 15. Temple J. Norman and Jacobs R. scienceDavid nutrition in shift paradigm a synergy: Food 14. Liu Hai foodsRui whole in phytochemicals of benefits Health 13. Milner A. John and Davis D. preventionCindy cancer and activity, physical Diet, 12. Jr Jacobs, R. David Wilson, Ted Temple, J. centuryNorman twenty-first the for vision a nutrition: Strategic Postscript. 26. Pelto H. Gretel and Young L. anthropologySera nutritional in concepts Core 25. Beitz C. Donald and Knight, J. Travis Segal, P. valueScott nutritional and production food improve to biotechnology of Use 24. Temple J. cost-effectivenessNorman of issues disease: of prevention the for governments by policy Nutrition 23. Wilson Ted and Nestle nutritionMarion American on influences political and industry Food 22. Rippe K. consumerJill the for implications and availability, products, new marketplace: the in food Functional 21. Temple J healthNorman before profit supplements: dietary of marketing The 20. Leutholtz Brian and Schwarz, A. Neil Kreider, B. sportsRichard and exercise for nutrition Optimizing 19. Nestle Marion and Temple J. promotionNorman health and nutrition Population 18. Temple J. Norman and Woodside, V. Jayne Cuskelly, supplementsGeraldine dietary and labels, food guides, food guidelines, dietary intakes, nutrient recommendations: dietary in Trends 17. Wilson beveragesTed nonalcoholic for recommendations dietary and claims Health Temple16. J. consumption?Norman alcohol of implications health the are What 15. Temple J. Norman and Jacobs R. scienceDavid nutrition in shift paradigm a synergy: Food 14. Liu Hai foodsRui whole in phytochemicals of benefits Health 13. Milner A. John and Davis D. preventionCindy cancer and activity, physical Diet, 12. Zirakzadeh nutritionAli and Hypertension 11. Woodside V. Jayne and Young, S. Ian McEvoy, diseaseClaire cardiovascular and acids, fatty polyunsaturated n-3 Fish, 10. Kris-Etherton M. Penny and Flock R. diseaseMichael heart of prevention the and lipids, blood of control the Diet, 9. Woodside V. Jayne and McKinley, C. Michelle Whittle, R. Claire obesity of treatment and prevention the in Diet 8. Steyn P. Nelia and Temple J. diabetesNorman 2 type of prevention the and Diet 7. Franz J. evidence.Marion on based recommendations Prioritizing diabetes. for therapy nutrition Medical 6. Popkin M. perspectiveBarry global a up: speeding is transition nutrition The 5. Barker J.P. lifeDavid adult in disease chronic of origins developmental The 4. Allison disordersKelly Eating 3. Jacobs R. epidemiologyDavid nutritional in research in Challenges 2. Temple J. Norman and Jacobs R. researchDavid nutrition in Methods 1. 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EAN: | 9781617798931 |
Marke: | Springer Berlin |
weitere Infos: | MPN: 32269641 |
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Online Shop: | eUniverse |
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