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Image of Jean Le Rond D'Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids

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Balza and Masithoh Evi Rudiati Saputra, Wahyu (Tri Images Multiple on Based Techniques Processing Image Using System Monitoring Growth Plant of Development 68: Chapter Bintoro).- Nursigit and Karyadi Wahyu Nugroho Joko Hartuti, (Sri Bed Packed Fermentor a Using Beans Cocoa of Fermentation Index and Temperature Fermentation on Aeration of Effect 67: Chapter Purwadi).- Didik and Ushada Mirwan Agustriana, (Silvia XYZ Unit Processing Fish at Worker Female for Design System Work Ergonomic 66: Chapter Guritno).- Djoko Adi and Kristanti Erma Novita Suryandono, Agustinus Pranawati, (Shabrina Java Central Magelang, and Yogyakarta Progo, Kulon in Spices of Analysis Structure Cost Logistic and Chain Supply 65: Chapter Suyantohadi).- Atris and Ushada Mirwan Ari, Darmawan Khotimah, Nurul (Septiana Method Engineering Value Using Product Yoghurt Soymilk of Development 64: Chapter Suyantohadi).- Atris and Supartono Wahyu Rachmawati, (Riana XYZ) PT. Study (Case Product Fillet Fish Frozen on 22000 ISO of Fulfillment the to Evaluation The 63: Chapter Nugroho).- Ari Darmawan and Supartono Wahyu Suli, Antonio (Ferdinandus Yogyakarta Sleman, Village, Turi Arum, Kembang Cristal, SME in Method (FMEA) Analysis Effect and Mode Failure using Processing Chips Fruit Snake in Process Quality of Analysis 62: Chapter Saroyo).- Pujo and Supartono Wahyu Bintang, Yahya (Ekky Cristal Salak Olahan Aneka Rejeki Sri Group Farmers Women in Product Chips Fruit Snake Assessment Cycle Life 61: Chapter Management.- and Technology Food Emerging and Innovative VI: Prastowo).Part Joko and Priyowidodo Dwi Nurcahyo, (Wisnu Indonesia Yogyakarta, and Java Central in Identification Vector and Detection evansi Trypanosoma 60: Chapter Arikawa).- Jiro and Yoshimatsu Kumiko Isozumi, Rie Widiasih, Ayu (Dyah Leptospirosis for Diagnosis Biological Molecular and Serological 59: Chapter Santosa).- Indra Wahyu and Harmando Usman Primatika, Azizah Roza Drastini, Yatri Yudhabuntara, Doddi Susetya, Heru Widiasih, Ayu Dyah Wijayanti, Dwi (Agustina Method Chromatography Liquid Performance High using Liver and Muscle Beef in Acetate Trenbolone of Detection 58: Chapter Health.- Animal Sustainable V: Part Angga).- Dwi Rizky and Abdi Paminto Restu Subrata, Adi (Sena Java Central Forest, Petungkriono in hermaphroditus) (Paradoxurus Civet Palm Common of Occupancy Influencing Factors 57: Chapter Rahmadaniarti).- Aditya and Budiadi Faridah, (Eny Species Stand Forest Different under PRAIN) oncophyllus (Amorphophallus Yam Foot Elephant of Adaptation Growth 56: Chapter Forestry.- Tropical Sustainable IV: Part Sancayaningsih).- Peni Retno and Talakua (Matheos Indonesia District, Selatan Buru of Village Leksula of Area Mangrove in 1775) Forskal serrata (Scylla Crabs Mangrove of Population Protect to Conservation Traditional Sasi: 55: Chapter Suwarman).- and Husni Amir Nurhidayat, Luthfi Retnoaji, (Bambang Yogyakarta in Empowerment Group Farmer Fish Through lateristriata) (Rasbora Fish Native Indonesian of Conservation and Cultivation 54: Chapter Fisheries.- Tropical Sustainable III: Part Raharjo).- Slamet and Purnamaningsih Hary Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto Nururrozi, Alfarisa (Yanuartono, Cattle Beef in Levels Plasma Blood the on Supplementation Block Mineral Molasses of Effect 53: Chapter Trijoko).- and Daryono Setiadi Budi Saragih, Sakti Tri Hendry Lesmana, Indra Puspitaningrum, (Wulandari gallus gallus Gallus Hens Layer of Development Follicle Ovarian the with Feed on Protein Level of Influence The 52: Chapter Hariyono).- Happy Nur Dwi and Nurrudin Ahmad Fathoni, Akhmad Maharani, Dyah Hartatik, Tety (Sumadi, Java West Garut, Margawati in Breeding Livestock for Center Development Unit Implementation Technical at Rams of Value Breeding of Estimation The 51: Chapter Widiaseno).- Radhitya Gagah and Kusumastuti Anggraeni Tri Andarwati, (Siti Yogyakarta in Development Socioeconomic and Environmental towards Attitude Farmers Cattle Beef 50: Chapter Sohel).- Hasan Mahmodul Md. Amin, Ahmed Prastowo, (Sigit Study Silico in an Luteinization: Cell Granulosa Bovine of Accumulation Lipid Regulating Interaction Gene MicroRNA-AMPK in microRNAs Candidate Identifying 49: Chapter Aji).- Nugroho Riyan and Londra Made I Yusiati, Mira Lies Sumadi, Sidadolog, Purba H Jafendi Budisatria, Suparta Gede I Maharani, Dyah Bintara, (Sigit Freezing After and Before Bali in Goat Gembrong of Quality Sperm 48: Chapter Budisatria).- Suparta Gede I and Widayati Tri Diah Maharani, Dyah Andarwati, Siti Hanim, Chusnul Haq, Shirotul Miftahul (Panjono, Indonesia Province, Java Central Brebes, at Cow Jabres of Performance Reproductive 47: Chapter Hidayat).- Noor Nunung and Setianto Andri (Novie Banyumas - Gumelar in Farming Goat of Study Case A Smallholders: Model to Instrument Qualitative a as Diagram Loop Causal Using 46: Chapter Erwanto),- Yuny and Waluyo Tri Ramai Fitriyanto, Agus (Nanung Emission Gas Ammonia of Reduction The to Slurry Feces Cattle in Shoots Bamboo and Fruit marmelos Aegle Fermented of Effect Addition The 45: Chapter Muhlisin).- and Hanim Chusnul Kustantinah, Yusiati, Mira (Lies Goat Bligon Female in E Vitamin of Addition with Feed Complete of Digestibility 44: Chapter Parawansa).- Devi Prastisa and Bachruddin Zaenal Ismaya, Yusiati, Mira (Lies Goat Bligon Female of Profile Blood on Diet The in Addition E Vitamin of Effect The 43: Chapter Sudibya).- and Riyanto (Joko vivo In by Supplement Feed Cattle as Protected Aldehyde and Saponification PUFA of Digestibility and Kinetics Fermentation of Characteristics 42: Chapter Yulianto).- Eko Danang Muhammad and Widi Mastuti Satya Tri Panjono, Budisatria, Suparta Gede I Ngadiono, Nono Ariyanti, Febri Atmoko, Andri Bayu Baliarti, (Endang Indonesia Province Yogyakarta in Center Breeding Village at Cows Local of Variation Estrus Postpartum 41: Chapter Hartatik).- Tety and Adinata Yudi Priyadi, Ahmad (Dwi Cattle Grade Angus on Gene B Cytochrome of Mapping Enzyme Restriction 40: Chapter Ibrahim),- Maulana Sandi and Agustini Nenah Bandiati, Sri Amalia, (Dina Garut Margawati BPPTD UPTD at Sheep Garut on Weight Body of Value Breeding of Evaluation 39: Chapter Suwarno).- and Prayitno Hadi (Caribu Cattle Beef of Feed The in Agent Antimethanogenic an as Extract Cake Garlic of Effectivity The 38: Chapter Prasetiyono),- Eko Hadi Waluyo Bambang and Hermanto Suseno, Nilo Umami, Nafiatul Noviandi, Tri Cuk Suhartanto, Bambang Suwignyo, (Bambang Duration Lighting and Dolomite Level Different On L.) sativa (Medicago Alfalfa Characteristics Plant Generative 37: Chapter Rusman).- and Fitriyanto Agus Nanung Wihandoyo, Erwanto, Yuny Yusiati, Mira Lies Prasetyo, (Amrih Duck Magelang of Performance and Carcas Yield Improving for Compound Feed as A10-1 Strain sp. Isoptericola by Fermentation Waste Shrimp 36: Chapter Fitriyanto),- Agus Nanung and Yusiati Mira Lies Hadisaputro, Widodo Erwanto, Yuny Azkarahman, Restu (Aldyon Treatment Wastewater Livestock's Potential for Removal Ammonium Aerobic and Heterotrophic LS2T sp. Alcaligenes of Characteristics 35: Chapter Arifin).- Afrina Ade and Nuhriawangsa Patriadi Magna Adi Indreswari, Rysca Ratriyanto, (Adi Quails of Performance Affect Methionine and Energy Metabolizable Dietary 34: Chapter Harianto).- Hery and Said Octaviana Dian Supriyono, Fitriyah, (Abyadul Semen the in Supplement Tannin Crude Given after Cattle Bali of Quality Sperm 33: Chapter Production.- Animal Tropical Sustainable : II Part Nasution).- Rahman Chainur and Arneti Reflinaldon, Yanti, Yulmira Habazar, (Trimurti Technique Planta in using Chili on Wilt Bacterial against Agents Biocontrol as Indigenous Rhizobacterial of Screening 32: Chapter Bethune).- Caldwell James and Jr. Reyes, Diño (Tomas Philippines Bohol, Watershed, Loboc in Assessment Hazard Landslide Evidence-based 31: Chapter Veldkamp).- Edzo and Utami Rahayu Sri Corre, D. Marife Kurniawan, (Syahrul Indonesia Sumatra, in Plantations Rubber and Palm Oil to Converted Forests Lowland from Budget Nutrient Partial 30: Chapter (Sukmawati).- Lombok Central Semiarid Labulia in Soybean of Varieties Two against Combination Fertilizer Inorganic and Biological of Influence 29: Chapter Untari).- Woro Dyah and Taqiuddin Moh. Subejo, Wastutiningsih, Peni (Sri District Barat Lombok in Empowerment Institutions Food Local 28: Chapter Khaswarina).- (Shorea Regency Kampar District Tengah Kiri Kampar of Village Damai Koto in TCSDP UPP Farmers Ex-Rubber of Economics Household the of Analysis 27: Chapter Variety.- Anjasmoro and Genotype Resistance Salt between Hybridization F4 L.) max (Glycine Soybean of Characters Agronomic of Correlation and Heritability Advance, Genetic 26: Chapter Wibowo).- Arif and Indarti Siwi Aldina, Fajrin (Rinda Plant Coffee to coffeae Pratylenchus Nematode Control to Fungal Nematofagous of Pathogenicity 25: Chapter Haryadi).- Trisakti Fransiskus and Putra Surya Romadhoni Ahmad (Raden Indonesia Yogyakarta, in Sustainability System Farming Integrated the Promoting in Workers Extension of Role 24: Chapter Utami).- Hidayah Nuryani Sri and Maas Azwar Jannah, (Rabiatul Cations Base Dissolved Soil to Uses Land Coastal Two at Input Residue Plant of Influences The 23: Chapter Maryani).- and Khasanah (Nuri Stress NaCl to 'Wilis" (L.)Merr.) max (Glycine Soybean of Responses Growth and Anatomy 22:Roots Chapter Stötter),- Johann Geitner, Clemens Sartohadi, Junun Purwanto, Heru Benito Utami, Hidayah Nuryani Sri Pulungan, Ainun (Nur Indonesia Java, Catchment, Bogowonto of Part Central Areas: Hilly in Agriculture Sustainable for Nutrients Soil and SOM of Analysis 21: Chapter Ndraha).- (Nodali Review A Period: Ice-Storage the During Changes Bacteriological and Chemical Physical, with Correlating (QIM), Method Index Quality Using Evaluation Quality Fish 20: Chapter Rosmayati).- and Damanik Muda Iskandar Revandy Rahmawati, (Nini Stress Salt under Application Antioxidant by Genotype Soybean in Characters Agronomic of Analysis 19: Chapter Hatta).- (Muhammad Forest Plantation Industrial in Systems Agroforestry Biomanagement through Sufficiency Self Food of Stabilization 18: Chapter Padmini).- Sarhesti Oktavia and Poerwanto Eko Pests(Mofit Rice of Abundance the to Intensification" Rice of "System of Impact 17: Chapter Hardianti).- Rika and Arifiyanto Deni Syahputra, Indra Setiado, Hot Putri, P. Agustina (Lillo Markers SSR on based Variety Palm Oil Gano) Tahan (Moderat MTG of Performance Molecular 16: Chapter Sumardiyono).- Christanti and Widiastuti Ani Asmawati, (Lili Maize in Mildew Downy against spp. Trichoderma by (ROS) Species Oxygen Reactive 15: Chapter Siregar).- Pratiwo Abi and Jamhari Waluyati, Rahayu (Lestari Region Special Yogyakarta in Members Co-operative Agricultural of Activeness the Influencing Factors 14: Chapter Joko).- Tri and Widiastuti Ani Dhanti, Ritma (Kurnia Indonesia in Kernels Maize from Isolated spp. Fusarium in Genes Mycotoxin-encoding of Detection 13: Chapter Hasanah).- Yaya and Hanum (Hamidah Rice in Zinc and Phosphorus of Content the on Compost Straw Fertilizers, Zinc and Phosphorus of Effect 12: Chapter Perwitasari).- Hani and Hardyastuti Suhatmini Masyhuri, Nurjanah, (Hadfina Bantul in Farming Sugarcane of Analysis Competitiveness 11: Chapter Mose).- Windi and Nurliana Steffani Astutiningrum, Dewi Wahyu Setiari, Nintya Semiarti, (Endang Culture Vitro In During Orchid of Development Embrio on Peptone of Effect The 10: Chapter Santoso).- Budi Haryono and Wahyudin Denih Affifudin, Ahmad Lukman, Rudy Sulandari, Sri Hartono, Sedyo Sidik, Alfiani (Effi Indonesia Java, East in Symptoms Yellow Severe Showing Bean Long Yard and Beans Common on Begomoviruses Four of Infections Mixed for Evidence Molecular 9: Chapter Masruroh).- Ulfatul and Maryani, Rachmawati, (Diah Drought under 'Segreng' and Merah' 'Cempo L.) sativa (Oryza Rice of Responses Physiological in Ash Husk Rice of Effect 8: Chapter Wulandari).- Cahyo and Utami Hidayah Nuryani Sri Rahmawati, (Dasih Kalitirto Inceptisol in Mayze of Yield and Uptake Phosphorus on Mycorrhiza and Addition Manure of Effectiveness 7: Chapter Widiastuti).- Ani and Wibowo Arif Wicaksono, (Danar Reaction Chain Polymerase Element-based Repetitive on Based Disease Blast Rice of Agent Causal the oryzae Pyricularia of Diversity Genetic 6: Chapter Tohari).- and Hasanah Uswatun Azizah Nur Kurniasih, (Budiastuti Yogyakarta of Soil Sandy Coastal at Levels Salinity Several in Cultivars Rice Three of Yield and Growth 5: Chapter Nazariah).- and Azis Abdul Bakar, A. (Basri Province Aceh in Rice Paddy of (PTT) Management Crop Integrated on Adoption Technology of Study The 4: Chapter Indarti).- Siwi and Utami Hidayah Nuryani Sri Utami, (Indah System Farming Organic to Conventional of Plant Rice of Uptake Nitrogen and Abundance Fauna Soil on Manure Chicken and Manure Cow of Influence The 3: Chapter Daryono).- Setiadi Budi and Fatmawati Erlina Ulinnuha Subiastuti, Sufi (Aprilia Hikapel) cv. L. melo (Cucumis Melon on Marker SCAR using Begomovirus against Resistance of Detection 2: Chapter Priyatmojo).- Achmadi and Widiastuti Ani Kusuma, (Amarilisa Maize in solani Rhizoctonia by caused (BLSB) Blight Sheath and Leaf Banded against sp. Penicillium and spp. Trichoderma using Resistant Induce 1: Chapter Agriculture,- Tropical Sustainable I: Part einen Internetanschluss. 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EAN: 9783319679990
Marke: Springer Berlin,Springer International Publishing,Springer
weitere Infos: MPN: 65730153
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