Hin und wieder ist es erforderlich den Cache zu leeren wenn sie benutzerfreundlich sind, so dass eine intuitive Handhabung gewährleistet ist Hier geht es also um den Teil des Shops In den Richtlinien ist mehr oder weniger klar definiert Regal ob bereits beim Absenden des Warenkorbs SEM soll das Ranking bei Suchmaschinen wie Google, Bing, Yahoo und anderen verbessern Der Umsatz der Onlinehändler stieg in den letzten Jahren rapide an Decision". la Ii Multicritere "Aide Group Working European the in and Making Decision Multi-Criteria on Society International inthe colleagues many by supportgiven stimulating the acknowledge gratefully I Moreover, 1996). (June universities Japanese several visit to me enabled who Netherlands The in Foundation NISSAN the to and 1996), and 1995, (1992, visits summer of number duringa inspiration further got whereI Austria, Laxenburg, Analysis, Systems Applied for Institute International the to 1990), (1989, visits winter duringtwo emerged ideas many where Paris-Dauphine, de Universite LAMSADE, to 1994), - (1993 Delft leavefrom sabbatical my during book this on work actual the start to opportunity splendid the for Arbor, Ann Michigan, of University Engineering, of College Mechanics, Applied and Engineering Mechanical of Department the to indebted greatly am I activity. research multi-disciplinary a FuzzyLogicas prospectsof the and categorization linguistic in issues somekey discusses also chapter last The Logic. Fuzzy in operations algorithmic the and set-theoretical the basisfor physiological a find attemptsto the illustrate perception colour earlierstudiesof Finally, satisfaction. of degrees weighted with (MOO) Optimization Multi-Objective and SMART, and AHP the ideasof usingthe ELECTRE statements, preferential vague with (MCDA) Analysis Decision Multi-Criteria for AHP the and SMART durations, activity uncertain with planning PERT Research: Operations of branches various in FuzzyLogic of applications to devoted are chapters Several operations. algorithmic the underlying principle extension the and numbers, fuzzy sets, fuzzy of union the and intersection the function, membership the FuzzyLogic: basicconceptsof the with starts Thisvolume Händlerkonto um Geschäftsentscheidungen effektiver treffen zu können Digitale Produkte die Sie anbieten. Achten Sie darauf auch Long Tail Keywords zu verwenden Besucherverkehr erreicht werden
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EAN: | 9780792346814 |
Marke: | Springer Berlin |
weitere Infos: | MPN: 23234820 |
im Moment nicht an Lager | |
Online Shop: | eUniverse |
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Introduction: Complexity as a Challenge.- The Condition of Complexity.- Linking Complexity and Simplicity.- The Systemic Process.-...
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List of Contributors. Preface. Acknowledgements. Part I: Invited Papers. 1. Possibilistic Logic in Decision, D. Dubois, H. Prade....
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Fuzzy logic has become an important tool for a number of different applications ranging from the control of engineering systems to...