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Numerical to Answers units.- III-SI Appendix energy.- free and II-Equilibrium Appendix importance.- and interest of diagrams equilibrium I-Some Appendix Conclusion.- 23.10 absorption.- to due damage Radiation 23.9 scattering.- to due damage Radiation 23.8 cross-sections.- Reaction 23.7 matter.- with radiation of Interaction 23.6 decay.- radioactive of Rate 23.5 reactions.- Nuclear 23.4 defect.- Mass 23.3 Isotopes.- 23.2 nucleus.- the of structure The 23.1 Nucleus.- The | 23 polyblends.- of toughness Fracture 22.8 composites.- fibre of Toughness 22.7 strength.- specific and stiffness Specific 22.6 composite.- fibre a of Strength 22.5 composite.- a of properties Elastic 22.4 composites.- fibre of Manufacture 22.3 composites.- fibrous for materials Reinforcing 22.2 Introduction.- 22.1 Composites.- | 22 Silicones.- 21.14 Plasticizers.- 21.13 Fillers.- 21.12 resins.- Epoxy 21.11 Wood.- 21.10 polymers.- in Crystallinity 21.9 Elastomers.- 21.8 shape.- polymer to properties mechanical of Relation 21.7 polymerization.- Condensation 21.6 polymerization.- Addition 21.5 hydrocarbons.- Aromatic 21.4 hydrocarbons.- Unsaturated 21.3 hydrocarbons.- Saturated 21.2 compounds.- organic of nature The 21.1 Materials.- Organic | 21 concrete.- and Cement 20.11 Asbestos.- 20.10 articles.- ceramic of Fabrication 20.9 Cermets.- 20.8 Glass-ceramics.- 20.7 glasses.- of behaviour Mechanical 20.6 structures.- Vitreous 20.5 structures.- Silicate 20.4 ceramics.- engineering some of uses and Properties 20.3 ceramics.- crystalline of Deformation 20.2 Introduction.- 20.1 Materials.- Non-metallic Inorganic | 20 materials.- non-allotropic in Welds 19.5 steel.- in Welds 19.4 zone.- heat-affected and metal weld of Metallurgy 19.3 weld.- the of vicinity the in distribution Heat 19.2 Nomenclature.- 19.1 Welding.- | 19 corrosion.- of Prevention 18.11 mechanics.- fracture and cracking corrosion Stress 18.10 corrosion.- metallic of Forms 18.9 diagrams.- Pourbaix 18.8 reactions.- cathodic and Anodic 18.7 corrosion.- Electrochemical 18.6 water.- of ionization The 18.5 layer.- oxide of Growth 18.4 gases.- dry by corrosion chemical Direct 18.3 reduction.- and Oxidation 18.2 Introduction.- 18.1 Corrosion.- | 18 steels.- Special-purpose 17.16 applications.- cryogenic for Steels 17.15 steels.- Tool 17.14 steels.- hardening Case 17.13 steels.- heat-resistant and Corrosion 17.12 steels.- Maraging 17.11 steels.- Ausformed 17.10 steels.- Boron 17.9 condition.- heat-treated fully a in used steels Alloy 17.8 steels.- structural High-tensile 17.7 steels.- alloy of Classification 17.6 properties.- mechanical on elements alloying of Effect 17.5 tempering.- on elements alloying of Effect 17.4 diagram.- transformation isothermal on elements alloying of Effect 17.3 diagram.- equilibrium iron-carbon on elements alloying of Effect 17.2 alloying.- of Purposes 17.1 Steels.- Alloy | 17 section.- Ruling 16.20 end-quenchcurve.- to diameter critical ideal of Relation 16.19 test.- end-quench Jominy 16.18 test.- series Cylinder 16.17 hardenability.- of Measurement 16.16 Hardenability.- 16.15 treatments.- heat Special 16.14 tempering.- with changes property Mechanical 16.13 Tempering.- 16.12 size.- grain austenite of Determination 16.11 effects.- its and steel of size Grain 16.10 austenite.- Retained 16.9 transformation.- cooling Continuous 16.8 knees.- bainite and pearlite of Separation 16.7 steels.- hypereutectoid and hypoeutectoid for diagrams transformation Isothermal 16.6 diagrams.- transformation Isothermal 16.5 rate.- and temperature Quenching 16.4 cooling.- on Transformations 16.3 heating.- on Transformations 16.2 Introduction.- 16.1 Steel.- of Treatment Heat | 16 interaction.- Creep-fatigue 15.11 alloys.- creep-resisting of Development 15.10 maps.- mechanism Fracture 15.9 mechanisms.- fracture Creep 15.8 maps.- mechanism Deformation 15.7 creep.- of Mechanisms 15.6 design.- and Creep 15.5 results.- creep of Presentation 15.4 curves.- creep of Characteristics 15.3 machines.- testing Creep 15.2 phenomena.- Creep 15.1 Creep.- | 15 fatigue.- Corrosion 14.15 fatigue.- to design of Relation 14.14 notches.- of Effect 14.13 rates.- growth Crack 14.12 effects.- damage Cumulative 14.11 limit.- fatigue of Variation 14.10 stress.- mean of Effect 14.9 tests.- fatigue of Results 14.8 machines.- testing Fatigue 14.7 testing.- Fatigue 14.6 growth.- crack Fatigue 14.5 failure.- fatigue of Mechanism 14.4 cracks.- fatigue of Detection 14.3 failures.- fatigue of Characteristic 14.2 fatigue.- to due Failure 14.1 Fatigue.- | 14 fracture.- to design of Relationship 13.25 KIc.- of Determination 13.24 effects.- Geometrical 13.23 modes.- Failure 13.22 conditions.- strain plane and stress Plane 13.21 equation.- Griffith Modified 13.20 factor.- intensity Stress 13.19 mechanics.- Fracture 13.18 factors.- metallurgical of effect The 13.17 fracture.- brittle to due Casualties 13.16 plates.- large on Tests 13.15 temperatures.- Transition 13.14 steel.- mild of brittleness Notch 13.13 tests.- notch of Uses 13.12 tests.- Charpy and Izod of Factors 13.11 tests.- impact Notch 13.10 notch.- the of influence The 13.9 Toughness.- 13.8 equation.- Griffith 13.7 strength.- cohesive Actual 13.6 solid.- a of strength cohesive Theoretical 13.5 components.- engineering of failures Actual 13.4 fracture.- Ductile 13.3 stresses.- multi-axial under flow Plastic 13.2 Introduction.- 13.1 Fracture.- and Flow Plastic | 13 HV.- and strength tensile between Relationship 12.18 stress.- yield to HV of Relationship 12.17 hardness.- Rockwell 12.16 hardness.- pyramid Diamond 12.15 hardness.- Brinell 12.14 tests.- Hardness 12.13 tests.- Compression 12.12 tests.- related Other 12.11 material.- plastic Ideal 12.10 strain.- Logarithmic 12.9 stress.- True 12.8 dimensions.- test-piece of influence The 12.7 phenomena.- Yield-point 12.6 material.- ductile a for curve Load-extension 12.5 tension.- in materials of Behaviour 12.4 specimens.- Tensile 12.3 machines.- testing Tensile 12.2 Introduction.- 12.1 Materials.- Polycrystalline of Testing Mechanical | 12 hardening.- oxide Dispersed 11.10 hardening.- Precipitation 11.9 hardening.- Quench 11.8 hardening.- Work 11.7 hardening.- Dispersion 11.6 equilibrium.- in phases Two 11.5 alloying.- solution Solid 11.4 materials.- Polycrystalline 11.3 obstacles.- and Dislocations 11.2 Introduction.- 11.1 Metals.- of Strengthening The | 11 dislocations.- of origin The 10.16 line.- dislocation a of Tension 10.15 dislocations.- between Forces 10.14 line.- dislocation a on Force 10.13 dislocation.- edge an around field Strain 10.12 dislocation.- screw a around field Strain 10.11 dislocations.- of geometry The 10.10 strength.- shear Theoretical 10.9 slip.- of nature The 10.8 curves.- hardening Shear 10.7 strain.- to elongation of Relationship 10.6 curves.- Load-extension 10.5 stress.- shear Resolved 10.4 twinning.- by Deformation 10.3 slip.- by deformation of Geometry 10.2 Introduction.- 10.1 Crystals.- Single Metal of Deformation The | 10 emission.- Thermionic 9.13 reactions.- Chemical 9.12 Diffusion.- 9.11 law.- rate Arrhenius' 9.10 law.- Maxwell-Boltzmann 9.9 energy.- Activation 9.8 state.- metastable a of example simple A 9.7 states.- metastable and Stable 9.6 expansion.- Thermal 9.5 substances.- simple for results Experimental 9.4 solid.- a of heat Specific 9.3 gas.- a of heat Specific 9.2 molecule.- gas a of energy Kinetic 9.1 Energy.- Thermal | 9 irons.- Cast 8.11 points.- change of Determination 8.10 points.- change of Nomenclature 8.9 diagrams.- Phase-transformation 8.8 steels.- of Microstructures 8.7 alloys.- iron-carbon of Nomenclature 8.6 austenite.- of decomposition peritectic and Eutectoid 8.5 temperatures.- change allotropic of Modifications 8.4 ledeburite.- and Cementite 8.3 iron.- in carbon of Solubility 8.2 iron.- pure of forms Allotropic 8.1 System.- Iron-carbon The | 8 diagram.- equilibrium ternary a in quantities and compositions phase for Rules 7.18 system.- eutectic Ternary 7.17 solubility.- solid complete with system Ternary 7.16 diagrams.- equilibrium Ternary 7.15 reaction.- Peritectoid 7.14 reaction.- Eutectoid 7.13 Allotropy.- 7.12 solidus.- the below occurring Changes 7.11 reactions.- peritectic and eutectic of Comparison 7.10 reaction.- Peritectic 7.9 compounds.- Intermediate 7.8 solubility.- solid partial for diagram Equilibrium 7.7 solubility.- solid complete for diagram Equilibrium 7.6 curves.- Cooling 7.5 insolubility.- solid complete of case the for diagram Equilibrium 7.4 diagrams.- equilibrium binary interpreting for Rules 7.3 liquids.- two for diagram Equilibrium 7.2 Introduction.- 7.1 Diagrams.- Equilibrium | 7 Phase.- 6.9 compounds.- intermediate of Formulae 6.8 compounds.- Intermediate 6.7 solubility.- solid substitutional controlling Factors 6.6 size.- atomic of Effect 6.5 solutions.- Solid 6.4 state.- solid the in Mixtures 6.3 liquids.- two of Mixtures 6.2 Introduction.- 6.1 Alloys.- Atoms-Binary of Sorts Two of Aggregations | 6 crystals.- single of Growth 5.9 size.- grain of Specification 5.8 metal.- solid strained in growth Grain 5.7 metal.- solid strain-free in growth Grain 5.6 castings.- in pattern Crystal 5.5 shapes.- Crystal 5.4 metal.- molten from growth Crystal 5.3 vapour.- from drop liquid of Formation 5.2 examination.- Micrographic 5.1 Size.- and Growth Crystal | 5 solids.- in forces Interatomic 4.13 properties.- mechanical to relation and crystal of Types 4.12 layers.- close-packed of Stacking 4.11 system.- hexagonal Close-packed 4.10 system.- cubic Body-centred 4.9 system.- cubic Face-centred 4.8 lattices.- crystal common The 4.7 direction.- of Indices 4.6 planes.- of Indices 4.5 systems.- Crystal 4.4 lattices.- Space 4.3 state.- crystalline The 4.2 Introduction.- 4.1 Atoms-Solids.- of Aggregations | 4 conductivity.- Thermal 3.18 Viscosity.- 3.17 pressure.- Vapour 3.16 tension.- Surface 3.15 liquids.- of behaviour The 3.14 Liquids.- experiment.- with equation Waals' der van of Comparison 3.13 equation.- Waals' der van of properties The 3.12 equation.- Waals' der Van 3.11 laws.- gas the from Deviations 3.10 pressure.- with K and ? of Variation 3.9 path.- free Mean 3.8 velocities.- of distribution Maxwellian 3.7 molecules.- of velocity and Energy 3.6 gas.- ideal an of pressure the of Calculation 3.5 gases.- of theory kinetic The 3.4 Mole.- 3.3 gas.- a of behaviour The 3.2 Gases.- Introduction.- 3.1 States.- Fluid Atoms-The of Aggregations | 3 atoms.- between bonding The 2.12 spectra.- X-ray 2.11 structure.- electron to behaviour chemical of Relationship 2.10 atoms.- Many-electron 2.9 atoms.- in states Electron 2.8 mechanics.- Wave 2.7 duality.- Wave-particle 2.6 system.- single-electron The 2.5 atom.- Bohr-Rutherford The 2.4 number.- Atomic 2.3 Valency.- 2.2 elements.- the of Classification 2.1 Structure.- Atomic | 2 properties.- material of nature fundamental The 1.1 Introduction.- | 1 möglichst die für ihn relevanten Seiten angezeigt werden und diese im Onlineshop an, so dass der Verbraucher einen genauen Überblick erhält Datenverarbeiter von Kartenzahlungen im Bereich der Logistik erfasst sollte auch bei neuen Onlineshops ernst genommen werden
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EAN: | 9780442302337 |
Marke: | Springer Netherlands,Springer Berlin |
weitere Infos: | MPN: 43785453 |
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Online Shop: | eUniverse |
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1 Fundamentals.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 Wave mechanics.- 1.2.1 The hydrogen atom.- 1.3 Many-electron atoms and the Pauli Principle.-...
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Keynote Papers.- Some Mechanics Problems of Multi-Layered Materials.- The Mechanical Properties of Brittle Matrix Composites.- Ductile...
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Volume I: Preface. List of symbols. Introduction. 1. Cartesian Tensors. 2. Analysis of Stress. 3. Deformation and Strain. Analysis...