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Image of The Logic of Essentialism: An Interpretation of Aristotle's Modal Syllogistic

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General systems.- of Index rules.- of Index axioms.- of Index locorum.- Index References.- Indexes.- and References Conclusions.- 48 essentialism.- Platonic vs. Aristotelian 47 assertorics.- unqualified of metaphysics The 46 essentialism.- dynamic Aristotle's 45 essentialism.- static Aristotle's 44 Q-propositions.- 43.3.5 Lo-propositiions.- 43.3.4 Li-propositions.- 43.3.3 Le-propositions.- 43.3.2 La-propositions.- 43.3.1 superstructure.- the Interpreting 43.3 base.- the Interpreting 43.2 syllogistic.- modal the of interpretation metaphysical A 43.1 syllogistic.- modal the of essentialism The 43 specifics.- essentialism: Aristotelian 42.4 generalities.- essentialism: Aristotelian 42.3 theory.- essentialist of Examples 42.2 Essentialism.- 42.1 essentialism.- of Varieties 42 Essentialism.- Ten. bases.- Alternative 41.3 superstructures.- Alternative 41.2 EQ0.- System 41.1 syllogistic.- assertoric to Reduction 41 syllogistic.- modal singular CC-style 40.4 syllogistic.- modal singular C-style 40.3 syllogistic.- modal singular AA-style 40.2 syllogistic.- modal singular A-style 40.1 approaches.- re de Alternative 40 AEQ'5.- and AEQ5 Systems 39 base.- AL's of Provability 38.3 semantics.- Formal 38.2 base.- Syntactic 38.1 AEL5.- System 38 Syllogistic.- Modal Singular Nine. reductio.- modal for reprieve A 37 syllogistic.- assertoric to Reduction 36 AX'.- System 35 assertorics.- Unqualified 34 AX'.- System Eight. theories.- dicto de approaches: Alternative 33 superstructures.- Comparing 32.5 CC.- Superstructure 32.4 C.- Superstructure 32.3 AA.- Superstructure 32.2 A.- Superstructure 32.1 approaches.- re de Alternative 32 syllogistic.- assertoric to Reduction 31 systems.- unampliated to ampliated of relation The 30 Corollaries.- 29.4 rejections.- axiomatic the of Invalidity 29.3 axioms.- the of Validity 29.2 semantics.- Formal 29.1 contingency-forms.- Ampliated 29 Corollaries.- 28.4 Figure.- Third 28.3.3 Figure.- Second 28.3.2 Figure.- First 28.3.1 rejections.- axiomatic the of Invalidity 28.3 axioms.- the of Validity 28.2 semantics.- Formal 28.1 contingency-forms.- Unampliated 28 AQ'.- and AQ Systems Seven. theories.- re dicto/de de Mixed 27.2 theories.- dicto de Pure 27.1 theories.- dicto de approaches: Alternative 27 CC.- Superstructure 26.4 C.- Superstructure 26.3 AA.- Superstructure 26.2 A.- Superstructure 26.1 superstructure.- approaches: re de Alternative 26 assumptions.- set Sun 25.2 assumptions.- Existence 25.1 base.- approaches: re de Alternative 25 syllogistic.- assertoric to Reduction 24 T.- and C,K,U Adding 23 Corollaries.- 22.5 rejections.- axiomatic the of Invalidity 22.4 axioms.- the of Validity 22.3 Theorem.- set Sun The 22.2 semantics.- Formal 22.1 forms.- Necessity 22 forms.- Assertoric 21 AL.- System Six. Qi-conversion.- and Q-opposition 20.2 ecthesis.- and LXL Bocardo XLL, Baroco 20.1 Inconsistencies.- 20 contingencies.- ephemeral and XQM Barbara 19.2 premises.- affirmative from conclusions negative and QaLaXe-2 19.1 mistakes.- Substantial 19 assertorics.- 'unqualified' and X'QM Barbara 18.6 horses.- sleeping necessarily and QeLe-3 QaLe-3, 18.5 premisses.- affirmative from conclusions negative and QeLaLo-2 QaLaLo-2, 18.4 men.- non-white necessarily and QoLo-1 QiLo-1, 18.3 bipeds.- awake necessarily and LXL Disamis XLL, Datisi 18.2 Formulae.- Hintikka the and XLL Barbara 18.1 mistakes.- Incidental 18 Fabric.- the in Flaws Five. moods.- 'unqualified' and Possibility 17 Figure.- Third moods: Q' Rejected 16.3 Figure.- Second moods: Q' Rejected 16.2 Figure.- First moods: Q' Rejected 16.1 moods.- contingency Ampliated 16 Figure.- Third moods: Q-L Rejected 15.3.3 Figure.- Second moods: Q-L Rejected 15.3.2 Figure.- First moods: Q-L Rejected 15.3.1 moods.- Q-L Rejected 15.3 Figure.- Third moods: Q-X Rejected 15.2.3 Figure.- Second moods: Q-X Rejected 15.2.2 Figure.- First moods: Q-X Rejected 15.2.1 moods.- Q-X 2-premissed Rejected 15.2 moods.- Q 1-premissed Rejected 15.1 moods.- contingency Unampliated 15 Figure.- Third moods: L-X Rejected 14.3 Figure.- Second moods: L-X Rejected 14.2 Figure.- First moods: L-X Rejected 14.1 moods.- Necessity 14 Rejections.- Four. Figure.- Third 13.3 Figure.- Second 13.2 Figure.- First 13.1 'Unqualified'moods.- 13 Figure.- Third 12.3 Figure.- Second 12.2 Figure.- First 12.1 moods.- Possibility 12 moods.- contingency Ampliated 11 Figure.- Third 10.2.3 Figure.- Second 10.2.2 Figure.- First 10.2.1 theses.- Q-L 10.2 theses.- Q-X 10.1 moods.- contingency Unampliated 10 theses.- L-X 9.2 theses.- L Pure 9.1 moods.- Necessity 9 Theses.- Three. axioms.- assertoric 'Unqualified' 8.3 axioms.- M 8.2 axioms.- Q' 8.1 axioms.- X' and M Q', Axioms: 8 axioms.- Q-L 7.3 axioms.- Q-X 7.2 axioms.- Q Pure 7.1 axioms.- Q Axioms: 7 axioms.- L-X 6.2.2 axioms.- L Pure 6.2.1 axioms.- L 6.2 axioms.- X 6.1 axioms.- L and X Axioms: 6 Axioms.- Two. reductio.- modal rules: Transformation 5 Ecthesis.- 4.2 Contraction.- 4.1 Ecthesis.- Contraction, rules: Transformation 4 Cut.- 3.4 Reduction.- Indirect 3.3 Permutation.- 3.2 Substitution.- 3.1 Cut.- and Reductio Permutation, Substitution, rules: Transformation 3 contingency-forms.- and Necessity- 2.2 possibility-forms.- and Necessity- 2.1 opposition.- Modal 2 forms.- Elementary 1 Synta.- Elementary One. 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Marke: Springer Netherlands
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