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Gabriele Jentsch, Armin Scheiner, Thorsten ICME-13, AT DAY RESEARCHER CAREER EARLY Kaiser.- Gabriele Nolte, Marianne Buchholtz, Nils ICME-13, at activities Teacher Activities.- Additional 9: Part Yingprayoon.- Janchai Classroom, the in Activities Hands-on Mathematics Creative Yamada.- Kazumi figure, space the of materials teaching the as cards of Making Ecke.- Volker Renesse, von Christine education, post-secondary and secondary in mathematics teach to inquiry Using Vasu.- Ileana gender, and understanding student concepts, calculus of representations multiple Enacted Santhanam.- Ramachandran Sundaram 15, - 11 Group Age Of Children Gifted For Mathematics In Problems Non-Routine Framing On Workshop Jiménez.- Dolores Crespo, David Rodríguez, L. José geometry, in projects Collaborative Mamolo.- Ami Montes, Miguel Carrillo, José Wasserman, Nick Ribeiro, Alessandro Jakobsen, Arne Ribeiro, Miguel teaching, for knowledge mathematical advanced specialized on perspectives different upon Reflecting Jr.- Redman. David B. Techniques, Construction Nanotube Origami Practical and Chirality, Symmetry, Otaki.- Koji Suginomoto, Yuki Shinno, Yusuke Miyakawa, Takeshi Hamanaka, Hiroaki Kunimune, Susumu Iwasaki, Hideki Mizoguchi, Tatsuya japan, in schools secondary the at proof mathematical of teaching the in development Curriculum Taneva.- Milena Neuschmidt, Oliver Meinck, Sabine didactics, mathematics on research for data assessment large-scale educational of Use Lee.- JungHang neutral?), politically be educaitno mathematics (can Korea: North nation, silent most the from Shout Kristinsdóttir.- Bjarnheiður mathematics, teaching when use their and videos screencast Silent Workshop: Kobal.- Damjan proof, of concept the in geometry of power The Husain.- Serviana Husty Karjanto, Natanael learning, and teaching Mathematics into System Algebra Computer open-source an as Maxima Adopting Cslovjecsek.- Markus Hilton, Caroline education, mathematics in inclusion and creativity inspires music and mathematics integrating How Mathematics: Sounding Zimmermann.- Bernd Silverberg, Harry Haapasalo, Lenni mathematics, of history from activities of framework a by learning mathematical evaluating and Designing Wilhelmi.- R. Miguel Neto, Teresa Godino, D. Juan education, secondary and primary in levels different its and reasoning algebraic of Analysis Plangg.- Simon Kraler, Christian Fuchs, Josef Karl programs, training teacher on influence their and reforms education in used tasks prototypical in contents of shift The Geraniou.- Eirini Mavriks, Manolis El-Demerdash, Mohamed Kortenkamp, Ulrich Nicaud, Jean-Francois Bokhove, Christian Filho, Lealdino Pedro thinking, mathematical creative for books math digital creative online making and Exploring Borchelt.- Nathan Faughn, Person Axelle academics, and teachers conneting models development professional as circles teachers' Mathematics Diniz.- Alex Hugo experimentation, mathematical for tool a as lisp Using Ellis.- Jessica Deshler, M. Jessica Instructors, Tertiary as Students Post-Graduate Mathematics of Preparation and Experience Differences: & Similarities International DeLange.- Jan play, serious minds, Curious Dalvit.- Ester approach, formal a to informal an From groups: introduce to braids Using Seeliger.- Birgit Hodgson, Bernard Curbera, Guillermo perspective, archival an from activities and mission ICMI to background providing goodies": but "Oldies Cue.- Kerry Fun, and Relevant Real, Maths School Middle Making Horoks.- Julie Chesnais, Aurelie Coles, Alf mathematics, of teachers of learning professional the for video using in facilitator the of role The Stephan.- Michelle Wilkerson, Trena Barnes, E David Education, Maths in Challenges Grand of Development the to Contributing Pournara.- Craig Barker, Debbie years, 11-16 aged students mathematics teach who teachers of development professional the for tasks mathematics Designing Voica.- Cristian Voica, Consuela Alexe, Sorin packing, and decomposition spatial to applications education: spatial for platform discovery knowledge A Acelajado.- Joyosa Maxima Gains, Non-Cognitive and Cognitive Algebra: College in Approach Teaching Flipped Workshops.- the from Reports 8: part Duranczyk.- Irene Smith, John Wladis, Claire Mathematics, Tertiary Non-university on Research Valero.- Paola Spencer, Joi Martin, Danny Valoyes-Chavez, Luz Contexts, Global and Local Education: Mathematics and Racism, Anti-Black Supremacy, White Czarnocha.- Bronislaw Stoppel, Hannes Teaching-Research, and Moments Aha! Creativity, Zandieh.- Michelle Andrews-Larson, Christine Berman, Avi Stewart, Sepideh Algebra, Linear Teaching Bakker.- Arthur Pratt, David Mackrell, Kate Schindler, Maike inferentialism, of perspective the education: statistics and mathematics in philosophy contemporary Applying Castillo.- Sachica Camilo Jefer Salinas, Leon Eduardo Carlos mathematics, school post-conflict of role The Riva.- Gianstefano Longoni, Paolo Cazzola, Marina Bonissoni, Petronilla Rottoli, Ernesto fractions, with familiarization the for mathematization of act An Rejali.- Ali education, mathematics on impact their and Houses Mathematics on Group Discussion Winsløw.- Carl Quaresma, Marisa education, math and studies Lesson/learning Semenov.- Alexei Polikarpov, Sergey Prospects, International and Experience Russian The Century: 21st the for Mathematics Olfos.- Raimundo discussion, brief a mathematics: in Tests Standardized Freiman.- Viktor Martinovic, Dragana era? digital the in evolve education mathematics does How Friesen.- Marita Dreher, Anika Webel, Corey Buchbinder, Orly Kuntze, Sebastian challenges, and opportunities - research and education teacher for practice of representations Using Kaiser.- Gabriele Blömeke, Sigrid König, Johannes competencies, professional teachers' of assessment of ways and frameworks Theoretical McClure.- Lynne Horsman, Rachael Jameson, Ellen Mathematics, Cambridge Framework: Curriculum Mathematics a of Development the Exploring Guderian.- Dietmar School, in Math-Education for Tool a as Design and Art Contemporary in Mathematics Larsen.- Richard Claus Bang, Peter Henrik Grønbæk, Niels Mathematics, Secondary Upper in Used Is CAS When Praxis Teaching in Challenges Lin.- Fou-Lai Gravemeijer, Koeno Future, the for Education Mathematics Reconsidering Vogel.- Stephan Smedt, De Bert Obersteiner, Andreas Grabner, H. Roland Neuroscience, and Education Mathematics Eichler.- Andreas Barzel, Bärbel Galloway, Ian Technology, with Teaching Teachers Tanner.- D. Jane Khoshaim, Bakr Heba Er, Nihan S. Alshawa, M. Hala Celis, Sergio Foley, D. Gregory Education, Tertiary to Secondary from Transition Zomahoun.- Thierry Prenzel, Manfred Ginshima, Fumi Borba, C. Marcelo Ferrini-Mundy, Joan Education, Mathematics for Strategies Investment International and National Hoong.- Yew Leong Evans, Tanya development, professional teacher in Videos Hoyles.- Celia Black, Barbara Carroll, Jeanne Drake, Pat agenda, STEM the and schools in learning teacher new Developing Seah.- Tiong Wee Kalogeropoulos, Penelope Bishop, Alan Andersson, Annica Clarkson, Philip methods, generating data rethinking and experiences exploring values: and valuing between Connections Schack.- O. Edna Lee, Yeon Mi Dindyal, Jaguthsing Choy, Heng Ban teaching, of skill hidden this of terrains the expanding noticing: teacher Mathematics Halai.- Anjum Kajoro, Peter Sarungi, Veronica Uworwabayeho, Alphonse Bijura, Matinde Angelina ICMI, by initiated Projects Network and Capacity the about experiences Sharing Lerman.- Steve Adler, Jill Venkat, Hamsa Ronda, Erlina Halai, Anjum Subramaniam, {K} Ravi Askew, Mike classes, large in instruction in discourse Mathematical Wu.- Zhonghe János, Steklács , An Shuhua Students, All for Research Teaching Classroom Groups.- Discussion the from Reports 7: part Roth.- Wolff-Michael Puig, Luis Kadunz, Gert Radford, Luis Presmeg, Norma Education, Mathematics in Semiotics 54 no. group study Topic Kvasz.- Ladislav Ernest, Paul education, mathematics of Philosophy 53 No. group study Topic Schoenfeld.- Alan Clarke, David methodologies, and methods Empirical 52 no. group study Topic Sierpinska.- Anna Dreyfus, Tommy education, mathematics in theories of Diversity 51 no. group study Topic Yang.- Yudong Adler, Jill teachers, mathematics secondary of development professional and education, In-service 50 no. group study Topic Varas.- Leonor Takahashi, Akihiko teachers, mathematics primary of development professional and education In-service 49 no. group study Topic Huang.- Rongjin Strutchens, Marilyn Teachers, Secondary of Education Mathematics Pre-service 48 no. group study Topic Stylianides.- Gabriel Hino, Keiko teachers, primary of education mathematics Pre-service 47 no. group study Topic Yang.- Xinrong Even, Ruhama level, secondary the at mathematics teaching in/for Knowledge 46 no. group study Topic Sullivan.- Peter Maher, Carolyn level, primary at mathematics teaching in/for Knowledge 45 no. group study Topic Hoyos.- Veronica Amaral, Barcelos Rúbia learning, blended e-learning, learning, Distance 44 no. group study Topic Hegedus.- Stephen Laborde, Colette 19), to 14 (age education secondary upper in technology of Uses 43 no. group study Topic Drijvers.- Paul Ball, Lynda 14), to 10 (age education mathematics secondary lower in technology of Uses 42 no. group study Topic Vale.- Colleen Soury-Lavergne, Sophie 10), age to (up education mathematics primary in technology of Uses 41 no. group study Topic Brodie.- Karin Thompson, Denisse learning, mathematics for assessment Classroom no.40 group study Topic Suurtamm.- Christine Kim, Young Rae education, mathematics in testing and assessment scale Large no.39 group study Topic Trouche.- Luc Fan, Lianghuo etc.), materials learning (textbooks, resources on Research no.38 group study Topic Usiskin. Zalman Rampal, Anita development, curriculum Mathematics 37 no. group study Topic Confrey.- Jere Bao, Jiansheng summary, programme environments learning and analysis design, Task no.36 group study Topic Shirley.- Lawrence Rosa, Milton education, mathematics in ethnomathematics of Role no.35 group study Topic Vithal.- Renuka Jurdak, Murad education, mathematics of dimensions political and Social 34 no. group study Topic Atweh.- Bill Becker, Rossi Joanne Gender), (including Education Mathematics in Equity 33 no. group study Topic Halai.- Anjum Barwell, Richard environment, multicultural and multilingual a in education Mathematics 32 no. group study Topic Wagner.- David Moschkovich, Judit education, Mathematics in Communication and Language 31 no. group study Topic Soifer.- Alexander Losada, de Falk Maria competitions, Mathematical 30 no. group study Topic Kuma.- Dace Pitta-Pantazi, Demetra creativity, and Mathematics 29 no. group study Topic Morselli.- Francesca Hannula, Markku education, mathematics in identity and beliefs Affect, 28 no. group study Topic Dooren.- Van Wim Williams, Gaye mathematics, in cognition and Learning 27 no. group study Topic Stein.- Kay Mary Shimizu, Yoshinori Practice, Classroom and Teaching on Research 26 no. group study Topic Wang.- Xiaoqin Tzanakis, Constantinos education, mathematics in mathematics of history of role The 25 no. group study Topic Karp.- Alexander Furinghetti, Fulvia mathematics, learning and teaching the of History 24 no. group study Topic Gal.- Iddo Venkat, Hamsa literacy, Mathematical 23 no. group study Topic Williams.- Julian Groves, Susie education, mathematics Interdisciplinary 22 no. group study Topic Stillman.- Ann Gloria Araújo, Jussara mathematics, of learning and teaching the in modelling and applications Mathematical 21 no. group study Topic Rivera.- Ferdinand Yerushalmy, Michal mathematics, of learning and teaching the in Visualization 20 no. group study Topic Trigo.- Santos Manuel Liljedahl, Peter education, mathematics in solving Problem 19 no. group study Topic Stylianides.- Andreas Harel, Guershon education, mathematics in proof and Reasoning 18 no. group study Topic Buffet.- O. Cecile Hart, W. Eric mathematics, discrete of learning and Teaching 17 no. group study Topic Martinez-Luaces.- Victor Bressoud, David calculus, of learning and Teaching 16 no. group study Topic Burrill.- Gail Ben-Zvi, Dani statistics, of learning and Teaching 15 no. group study Topic Chernoff.- J. Egan Batanero, Carmen probability, of learning and Teaching 14 no. group study Topic Herbst.- G. Patricio Cheah, Hock Ui level, secondary - geometry of learning and Teaching 13 no. group study Topic Swoboda.- Ewa Olkun, Sinan level), (primary geometry of learning and Teaching 12 no. group study Topic Ellis.- Amy Banerjee, Rakhi Algebra, of Learning and Teachig 11 no. group study Topic Pang.- JeongSuk Kieran, Carolyn algebra, early of learning and Teaching 10 no. group study Topic Dougherty.- Barbara Chambris, Christine education), primary on (focus measurement of learning and Teaching 09 no. group study Topic Nunes.- Terezinha Lin, Pi-Jen education), primary on (focus systems number and arithmetic of learning and Teaching 08 no. group study Topic Vennebush.- Patrick Mercat, Christian Mathematics, of Populariztion 07 no. group study Topic Maaß.- Jürgen Misra, Kumar Pradeep learning, Adult 06 no. group study Topic Griffiths.- Rose Figueiras, Lourdes difficulties, learning mathematical with students for research and practice Classroom 05 no. group study Topic Sheffield.- Jensen Linda Singer, Mihaela Florence students, gifted mathematically on, research and for, Activities 04 no. group study Topic Wake.- Geoff Coben, Diana work, for and in education Mathematics 03 no. group study Topic Rasmussen.- Chris Giraldo, Victor level, tertiary at education Mathematics 02 no. group study Topic Mulligan.- Joanne Elia, Iliada 7), age to (up education mathematics childhood Early 01 no. group study Topic Groups.- Study Topical the from Reports 6: Part Arikan.- Huriye Turkey, in mathematics learning and Teaching n.- Nguy o Th ng Ph ng, H Th NH V Thanh, Chi Nguyen Channgakham, Phoutsakhone Anothay, Souksomphone Lin, Monkolsery Roth, Chan Boonsena, Nisakorn Changsri, Narumon Thinwiangthong, Sampan Inprasitha, Maitree Isoda, Masami Nemenzo, R. Fidel countries, sub-region Mekong Lower of presentation National Ikeda.- Toshikazu Senuma, Hanako Shimizu, Yoshinori Fujii, Toshiakira Japan, of presentation National Shiel.- Gerry Oldham, Elizabeth Dooley, Thérèse OReilly, Maurice Ireland, in Education Mathematics Giraldo.- Victor Brazil, in Education Mathematics and Development Professional Teachers' Villarreal.- Mónica Galina, Esther presentation, National Argentinean presentations.- National 5: part Tobies.- Renate Schubring, Gert Neubrand, Michael Menghini, Marta McCallum, William Weigand, Hans-Georg Klein? Felix of legacy the be might what and is What Vorhölter.- Katrin Hofe, vom Rudolf Vohns, Andreas Schulz, Andreas Rösken-Winter, Bettina Reiss, Kristina Obersteiner, Andreas Nührenbörger, Marcus Leuders, Timo Krummheuer, Götz Hefendehl-Hebeker, Lisa Greefrath, Gilbert Gellert, Uwe Bikner-Ahsbahs, Angelika Biehler, Rolf Jahnke, Niels Hans research, education mathematics in traditions German-speaking Heuvel-Panhuizen.- den Van Marja Sträßer, Rudolf Mariotti, Alessandra Maria Artigue, Michèle Blum, Werner Cases, Selected four from Examples and Aspects - Mathematics in Traditions Didactic European afternoon.- Thematic the from Reports 4: Part Owens.- Kay Leung, Allen Kortenkamp, Ulrich Jones, Keith Villiers, de Michael Bussi, Bartolini Maria Sinclair, Nathalie research, recent of survey a technologies: new of use the including education, Geometry Robutti.- Ornella Joubert, Marie Isoda, Masami Goos, Merrilyn Esteley, Cristina Cusi, Annalisa Clark-Wilson, Alison Chapman, Olive Jaworski, Barbara collaboration, through learning and working teachers Mathematics Opitz.- Moser Elisabeth Healy, Lulu DeBlois, Lucie Beswick, Kim Scherer, Petra summary, A - practice? support research can How - difficulties learning mathematical with students of Assistance Villa-Ochoa.- Alexander Jhony Turner, Turner Ross Planas, Núria Bruder, Regina Niss, Mogens research, education mathematics in knowledge and knowing competencies, of role the of Conceptualisation Aguilar.- Sánchez Mario Llinares, Salvador Gadanidis, George Askar, Petek Borba, C. Marcelo Engelbrecht, Johann Decade, last the over Research Education: Mathematics in Technology Digital teams.- Survey the of Reports 3: Part Leung.- K.S. Frederick matter? really culture Does Asia: East in Achievement Mathematics of Sense Making Swan.- Malcolm Burkhardt, Hugh Improvement, Large-Scale for Development and Design Bishop.- Alan education, mathematics on perspective cultural a - standpoints advanced from mathematicians Elementary Artigue.- Michèle education, mathematics in action and research fundamental between relationship challenging The Adler.- Jill practices, across object boundary as resource discursive A (MDI): Instruction in Discourse Mathematics Kilpatrick.- Jeremy Kieran, Carolyn Ceremony, Awards ICMI lectures.- Awardees' 2: Part Verschaffel.- Lieven Kwon, Nam Oh diSessa, A. Andrea Bosch, Marianna Gueudet, Ghislaine Education, Mathematics in Transitions Stacey.- Kaye Reddy, Vijay Mok, Ida Cai, Jinfa Learning, Students' Improving For Directions Future and Lessons Mathematics: in Studies Comparative International Loos.- Andreas Ziegler, Günter it, teach to how and that, learn or experience should one where ask should we why And - ?" Mathematics is "What Kaur.- Berinderjeet perspectives, and lenses Multiple - studies classroom Mathematics Barton.- Bill imperative, moral contemporary A Culture: and Education, Mathematics, Ball.- Loewenberg Deborah Teaching, of Work Mathematical Special the Uncovering Kaiser.- Gabriele Introduction, An Education: Mathematical on Congress International Thirteenth Activities.- Plenary 1: Part und den damit verbundenen Möglichkeiten für Unternehmer und die gehören inzwischen sicher auch zu Ihrem Alltag Durch jene ist es möglich bei einer Kreditkartenzahlung Gang billig

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